Tuesday, March 23, 2010

10 days and counting

I have a whiteboard on my fridge. It keeps me happy from time to time. I look at it, and it tells me how many days I have until I become a married.. woman. Today, it says 10 days. It's also telling me that I have to pick up my dress tomorrow and Steven's ring. Both things get done tomorrow. People have been asking me lately if I feel, nervous. I don't. Anxious is probably a better word for how I feel. Nervous, not so much. Steven and I have been living together for almost nine months. We've also been a couple for 5.5 years. So, nervous.. why? Why would I be nervous? I can't wait!
I honestly thought that getting married in Vegas would take a lot of the stress off of my shoulders. I don't have to worry about caterers, hundreds of people wanting invites, invitations, ect. But.. it's still a little stressful. In a good way. I really enjoyed planning this wedding. I still do. I am going to miss not having a first dance and everyone watching me dance. But, I always sort of new that my wedding would be different. I always knew that I wouldn't have a traditional thing. I wish my dad was going for one thing. But.. that's another story.

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