Friday, March 26, 2010

One Weeeek!

This time next week, Steven, myself, and our family (and a few friends) will be on our way to Vegas. It's starting to hit me.. and it's even making me feel a little sick! I've felt so nauseous (and no I'm not pregnant) lately. I just think all the stress is hitting me! So I guess I'll explain a little bit about Vegas here. Simply put.. it was way too stressful for me to plan a normal hometown wedding. Too many people, too much stress, and too much money!! It's really hard planning a wedding, when you feel like you're the only one who cares. Steven was always working, and he really could careless about the details (he's a guy!) and my sisters, are busy, they were helping, but still.. I know I was bugging them. My mom just doesn't understand. So, we chose Vegas. I always feel weird telling people we're getting married in Vegas. I feel like they think it's going to be ghetto, and small, and probably not last. But, it's an actual wedding! With Flower girls, a Ring Bearer, Bridesmaids, all the fixings! Friday we're going to get there, maybe have dinner as a group somewhere.. have a runthrough rehearsal in mine and Stevens room, Then hangout with the girls. I had Erica plan something. Then Saturday morning, I get my hair and makeup done, a picture session, Then I get married!!! After we get married we have another photo session, then we have dinner at a buffet.. I'm not sure which one yet.. Most of my friends are leaving on Saturday. Steven and I are staying til Monday though.

On Tuesday we leave for FL. Yes. If you know us well, you know exactly where we will be having our honeymoon. The happiest place on earth. Disneyworld!! We're going to be out there a week! :)
When we come home we'll rest a day or so, then we have a concert to go to. That shall be fun as well!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


I used to think Raccoons were cute animals. I used to think it would be cool to live somewhere where I would see raccoons often. Now. I have a raccoon living upstairs. Have you ever lived in an apartment? I remember when I was a little girl we lived in an apartment. We lived on the bottom level. It wasn't so bad, but for some reason, around the same time every night.. The elephants went on parade. It literally sounded like elephants were walking around on the roof. I thought that I had escaped that fate when we bought this house. I had no idea a family of raccoons had already taken rent out on our house.

I should have known. I really should have. The first night we moved in was my first encounter with, we'll call him Carl. Carl was a cute raccoon. I was sitting on my bed putting lotion on, my fiance was in the bathroom taking brushing his teeth. I felt like I was being watched, so I turned to my right and there he was. It was like in a cartoon! He was looking at me, watching me, from the sliding glass window in our bedroom!! I thought it was the coolest thing at the time, a raccoon was watching me put lotion on! I should have taken it more as a sign that, these guys didn't care I was here.. They were going to stay.

I remember the first night I heard them. I thought someone was running up our stairs and on the porch! I was home alone. It was night, and I was terrified! The next night the same thing :thump thump thump!: across the roof!! This time, Steven was home. He heard them too. We had the window open this time and we could hear noises, animal noises, so we opened the front sliding glass window and there they were, one, two, three, four heads popping out along the roof and around the tree (like the picture x's 4)

Sometimes, we'll be dead asleep then, it sounds like bodies hit the floor! Steven will yell a swear word and then he's up with his red rider bb gun trying to fight off those raccoons. They don't seem to care about us, our presences doesn't seem to bother them.. But Gizmo's does. Gizmo, our cat, seems to creep them out! He's a small little thing too. I don't know what it is about Gizmo that the raccoons don't like, but what ever it is, we're glad he's here. Keep up the good work Gizzy.

10 days and counting

I have a whiteboard on my fridge. It keeps me happy from time to time. I look at it, and it tells me how many days I have until I become a married.. woman. Today, it says 10 days. It's also telling me that I have to pick up my dress tomorrow and Steven's ring. Both things get done tomorrow. People have been asking me lately if I feel, nervous. I don't. Anxious is probably a better word for how I feel. Nervous, not so much. Steven and I have been living together for almost nine months. We've also been a couple for 5.5 years. So, nervous.. why? Why would I be nervous? I can't wait!
I honestly thought that getting married in Vegas would take a lot of the stress off of my shoulders. I don't have to worry about caterers, hundreds of people wanting invites, invitations, ect. But.. it's still a little stressful. In a good way. I really enjoyed planning this wedding. I still do. I am going to miss not having a first dance and everyone watching me dance. But, I always sort of new that my wedding would be different. I always knew that I wouldn't have a traditional thing. I wish my dad was going for one thing. But.. that's another story.